Our Kitty and Black Salve


Ain't he a handsome fella in this pose when he was a couple of years younger? He was a real lady killer but he still prowls and hunts lizard, moles, and mice. I did say I would write something up for you about the cancer salve and our cat, for now this is the best I can do. I didn't get a picture of the sore before I put the salve on him. He had a large lump, like a soft marble, sticking up under his skin on his back on top of the spine. It alarmed me so I priced a vet visit and possible charges for surgical removal if I could even get Charles to agree to this kind of treatment. The woman on the phone at the vet's office gave me a clue it might be an abscess, not necessarily a cancer. I got on line and started reading about abscesses on male cats and alternative treatments then decided to try the black salve on his lump....first on unbroken hairy skin.

I watered the salve down and put it on with an eye dropper after that application to stretch the medicine and I didn't want to touch the sore. After the first application, the skin broke away from the sore and it projected about half an inch above the skin line. It was very red and raw looking and I have a weak stomach, but I love my cat. I used the match to mix the salve since it was drying out and that's a quarter laying next to it for perspective. Concerning proportions used-I probably didn't use a quarter of a teaspoon, total, during applications which was about 7 or 8 as I recall. I didn't dilute the first application but I did the rest. I also would wet a square cotton pad with colloidal silver and saturate the sore once in a while, and I would put colloidal silver in his food.

